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In country::Belgium

Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Brussels Capital Region consists of 19 independent municipalities (like Brussels-city, Sint-Jans-Molenbeek and Anderlecht,...) The population is about a million people. It's officially bilangual (french & dutch), but you'll hear everything!


There's a Villo bicycle system, 7 euros for a week or less than 2 euros per day.

If you need to use public transport it's worth considering the 10 ride card for 13,30 euro. This is definitely cheaper than buying a ticket in a bus or tram. As controls are not very regular you can try going without a ticket but there's a hefty fine of about 100 euros.

Edit : I've seen lots of adds in the metro saying that this 10 rides card is going to disapear as of the 07.01.2015. Please update.-> now you have to buy a reusable Mobib card and buy rides on it. Only one-ride tickets are still for sale separately but quite expensive now.

Public transport

Check out this journey planner to find your public transport options to get to the hitching spots. Integrates all modes of transport, eg, bus, metro, train, Le Lign buses, etc.

Ticket controls on the metro system are not common, but it can happen. Fines are over €100 for not having a ticket. You also need tickets to enter and exit at some metro stations. If you have a phone connected to the internet, you can check for controls on the website


{{#ask: Connects city::Brussels}}


{{#if: Expensive.

The BXL a louer group on Facebook is useful for finding sublets. So is the float or room in Brussels group on CouchSurfing. |Expensive.

The BXL a louer group on Facebook is useful for finding sublets. So is the float or room in Brussels group on CouchSurfing. |Please edit this page and add information about accommodation. }}

Meet fellow travellers on open source hospitality exchange networks: Trustroots {{#if: |, BeWelcome }} {{#if: |, [ WarmShowers] (for bicyclists) }}


{{#if: A lot of snack places and supermarkets. Also many late night corner stores. As of January 2014 there's a weekly(?) Sunday evening peoples kitchen in Rue Royale 123/Koningsstraat 123:

Every Saturday from 18h you can get a tasty vegetarian dish for free contribution at Allee Du Kaai, Avenue du Port 53, 1000 Bruxelles. This is their website: Allee du Kaai is the result of a concept which makes the abandoned buildings along the Canal a meeting place for social and creative projects and activities, for a temporary time (in 2018 they have to leave!). Barlok is one of the buildings ('hangars') where they organise concerts, they have a hacklab, artist residences and a freeshop. More infos on their website (in french). Magasin4 is a concert venue in another 'hangar'. See program:

On some days they serve a vegetarian meal in the underground bar of Cinema Nova: look for 'Table d'hôte' on their program. Website: The cinema is almost completely run by volunteers. There is a very friendly atmosphere, interesting screenings and festivals, sometimes little exhibitions and concerts, and downstairs healthy juices and good beers. I think the meal is 5euros. And there is more for lovers of cinema: Cinematek has a huge film archive, including silent films with live piano. Furthermore there is: Actor's studio, Cinema Aventure and Cinema Galleries with quality film but for full price All 5 cinemas are in the city center!

On Thursday there is a fresh market in Molenbeek, Parvis de Saint-Jean-Baptiste and Place Communale Molenbeek, market closes around 1pm. Friday-Saturday-Sunday there is the biggest fresh market in the former cattle market and slaughterhouse, so address is Abattoir d' Anderlecht, and closes around 2pm. At Sunday closing time they throw away a lot of ripe fruits and vegetables. On Sunday there is also another one: Marché du Midi, if you go there around 1-2pm they will start closing and they often throw away some ripe fruits and vegetables. If you are interested in local and organic fresh markets, there is a tiny one at Place St.-Catherine on Wednesday mornings and a good one is Marché bio des Tanneurs, in a building, Rue des Tanneurs 60, open in the afternoon, closed on Mondays.

NEVER EVER GO TO RUE DES BOUCHERS |A lot of snack places and supermarkets. Also many late night corner stores. As of January 2014 there's a weekly(?) Sunday evening peoples kitchen in Rue Royale 123/Koningsstraat 123:

Every Saturday from 18h you can get a tasty vegetarian dish for free contribution at Allee Du Kaai, Avenue du Port 53, 1000 Bruxelles. This is their website: Allee du Kaai is the result of a concept which makes the abandoned buildings along the Canal a meeting place for social and creative projects and activities, for a temporary time (in 2018 they have to leave!). Barlok is one of the buildings ('hangars') where they organise concerts, they have a hacklab, artist residences and a freeshop. More infos on their website (in french). Magasin4 is a concert venue in another 'hangar'. See program:

On some days they serve a vegetarian meal in the underground bar of Cinema Nova: look for 'Table d'hôte' on their program. Website: The cinema is almost completely run by volunteers. There is a very friendly atmosphere, interesting screenings and festivals, sometimes little exhibitions and concerts, and downstairs healthy juices and good beers. I think the meal is 5euros. And there is more for lovers of cinema: Cinematek has a huge film archive, including silent films with live piano. Furthermore there is: Actor's studio, Cinema Aventure and Cinema Galleries with quality film but for full price All 5 cinemas are in the city center!

On Thursday there is a fresh market in Molenbeek, Parvis de Saint-Jean-Baptiste and Place Communale Molenbeek, market closes around 1pm. Friday-Saturday-Sunday there is the biggest fresh market in the former cattle market and slaughterhouse, so address is Abattoir d' Anderlecht, and closes around 2pm. At Sunday closing time they throw away a lot of ripe fruits and vegetables. On Sunday there is also another one: Marché du Midi, if you go there around 1-2pm they will start closing and they often throw away some ripe fruits and vegetables. If you are interested in local and organic fresh markets, there is a tiny one at Place St.-Catherine on Wednesday mornings and a good one is Marché bio des Tanneurs, in a building, Rue des Tanneurs 60, open in the afternoon, closed on Mondays.

NEVER EVER GO TO RUE DES BOUCHERS |Please edit this page and add information about food. }}

{{#if: A lot of FON wifi spots.

  • Café Belga, Place Flagey, password: mojitomojito

Most cafés have wifi now |== Internet connectivity == A lot of FON wifi spots.

  • Café Belga, Place Flagey, password: mojitomojito

Most cafés have wifi now |}}

{{#if: You need a permission. Musicians have to go to an audition. You can play just in the even hours between 10am and 9pm. There is no busking allowed at the Grande-Place/Grote Markt. Police send you away, but around I never had problems. (no music) |== Busking == You need a permission. Musicians have to go to an audition. You can play just in the even hours between 10am and 9pm. There is no busking allowed at the Grande-Place/Grote Markt. Police send you away, but around I never had problems. (no music) |}}

The ponds of Ixelles
The ponds of Ixelles

velo:Brussels cash:Brussels trash:Brussels couch:Brussels